Thursday 7 October 2010

Magazine Analysis 1

L: one main image with the model making full eye contact. This helps to attract the readers attention and keep it as it creates a personal bond between the individual and the image itself, therefore, they are more likely to look at the rest of the magazine cover and possibly look inside and buy it. Plus the image stands out as the background is slightly distorted causing the readers main focus to instantly be on the clearer image. Also, the masthead is in a bright and unique font which matches the models top, this connotes that the girl on the front of the magazine is involved with extra curriculum clubs etc. creating a positive atmosphere about the college and this will also encourage people to look into that particular college.
I: this has been created by an American College as the bottom right coverline states. Also, every coverline is aimed at student activities.
I: the ideology behind this magazine is aimed around student living and health as each coverline is linked to either student living or health, if not both, therefore, it is the main focus of the magazine clearly.
A: the audience of the magazine is students who are currently at the college and would like to keep updated on what is happening, or students who are considering studying courses at that college. This is shown by the age of the model, the setting of the main image and the masthead itself, along with the coverlines giving a little insight on what the magazine discusses.
R: the representation of this magazine is for students of both genders, however, most students are mid teens-late twenties, therefore, there is a specific age group which it will cater for. It will also deal with sexuality, social groups, race, disability etc. as a college magazine will want to show that everybody has equal rights no matter what makes you different to others.

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