Wednesday 17 November 2010

Contents page analysis 2

The contents page for Kerrang! magazine is slightly different to other contents pages, however, that suits the genre of the magazine, therefore, it works well.
At the top right of the page there is the word 'contents' to show the reader that it is the contents page. There isn't the name of the magazine although the same font is used to advertise the fact that it is the contents page. This shows the reader that it is Kerrang! magazine as the font stands out in a unique way to both regular readers and one-off buyers. Also, the issue number and the date of which that issue was issued is printed at the bottom of the contents box.
The pictures take up the majority of the page and one photo is larger than the others. This makes it stand out more, therefore, it shows the reader that it is the main story featured in this specific issue and this usually means it is an image from the main cover story. There are then 4 photos under the image and 4 lined up along the right hand side of the larger image. This technique helps to fill up the page in an effective yet simplistic format. Each picture has a caption and a page number so the reader can find the article they want quickly also.
Finally, there is a bit of information-possibly about this specific issue or maybe the previous or next issue-situated in the space next to the contents box to ensure the reader notices it and some information at the bottom right corner, which by the looks of it from this image is information on subscribing for Kerrang! magazine. This is set out underneath the list of what is featured on page to ensure the reader sees this too. Plus, the list has page numbers and headings which have categorised the type of thing in the magazine and it informs the reader of where to find that specific thing instantly, for example, they could want to read the album reviews first, therefore, they could look for the 'album reviews' heading and go straight to the corresponding pages.
The colour scheme and house style has stayed the same as the cover to keep continuity for the audience.

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